Virtual Sports Nutrition Dietitian

Identifying there is a Problem

If you’re concerned that you are struggling in your sport or nutrition, these are common warning signs.


  • Excess fatigue
  • Taking naps during the day
  • Not being able to perform well in practice or in school/work
  • Consuming excess amounts of sugar and caffeine to “get through the day” 
  • Starting to get injured more often without any changes to activity level 
  • Frustration from  not being able to perform at the level that you would like to or think you can especially if a couple months ago, things were fine and now they are not.

How We Work Together to Optimize Your Performance

Fuel to Perform Nutrition Program

Gain a full understanding of how your training, recovery,  current nutrition, medical, family history and food knowledge impacts performance in your sport.


  • Understanding of current health, lifestyle, training and eating behaviors and habits.
  • Assess medical history, family medical history and predisposition of chronic diseases to assist in formulating current diet.
  • Evaluate energy expenditure by evaluating the current training schedule.
  • Evaluate understanding of sports nutrition, recovery, fueling before and during activity, if necessary.
  • Review use of Healthie, recording of food intake, activity, sleep, hydration or anything else that may be of concern during Initial Assessment.

We meet virtually for personalized nutrition support, helping you balance food choices and intake to align with your specific sport, lifestyle, training schedule, and overall health goals.


  • Educate on the roles of macro and micronutrients in the body. 
  • Understand the importance of a variety of foods to meet energy needs. 
  • Discuss nutrient timing and availability. Discuss fueling opportunities and how to best get needs met with current lifestyle.
  • Implement hydration strategies.
  • Reviewed sleep habits and hygiene.
  • Help client understand through journaling the foods and meals that work best for them with regards to performance.

Stay on track when on the go simply by taking a photo of your snacks and meals using the Healthie App..  Your account is connected directly to Alene for immediate access and feedback when needed. We also offer additional support  with the option to work with their coaches, fitness trainers, or psychologists/therapists.  

Find the Right Support for Your Goals

Whether you’re new to Eat 2 Perform or a returning client, we’re here to help you fuel your best performance with flexible options designed to meet your needs.

  • New Clients: Start Your Journey

  • $199One-Time
  • Schedule Your Initial Assessment

    • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how training, recovery, nutrition, and lifestyle impact performance, with personalized assessments of health and nutrition habits.

  • Returning Clients: Get Back On Track

  • $224One-Time
  • Schedule a Follow Up Session

    • Already part of the Eat 2 Perform family? Our a la carte sessions are perfect for existing clients who want to check in or refine their strategies.

Athlete's/Coach's Corner

Your source for all things sports nutrition related to perform your best

Nutrition and Wellness

Resources and guidance to stay informed with our tried and true tips

Digital Workbooks

Check out our downloadable workbooks for your specific nutrition needs

Ready to get started?

Book your initial assessment to get started on your customized plan. Not sure where to start? Sign up for a free 15 minute consultation so we can talk through the options.