Dirty, Bad, Cheating

Dirty, Bad, Cheating

On a daily basis, I see those words associated with food, eating and meal choices. How did we get here as a society? What are we cheating on? How has food become dirty and bad?

The only way this happens is with rules. You can only cheat if there are rules you are abiding by. Who made those rules up? Are they true? How do you know that they are true? If you cheat, are you eating something that is dirty or bad? If so, who says those things are dirty or just not “clean”? Who says what you are eating is bad? I’ve been a dietitian/nutritionist for over 20 years. I’ve heard many clients tell me that they were bad because of the meal or meals they ate. I’ve assured them time and time again that they were not bad. With being “bad” comes shame and guilt. I hear it in their voices and see if in their body language. They are NOT bad! These rules are bad! I challenge you to erase all those rules, those lists of clean and bad foods. Free yourself of all the shame, guilt and self defeating thoughts. Instead, look for foods that make you feel energetic and are fuel for your body and soul. Don’t use others’ lists of what to eat, start your own. It will take some time to develop trust in your choices and silence those voices of shame and guilt in your head. Be patient with the process, for some it will happen quickly and for others it will take months or years. Regardless  of how long it takes, being healthy, achieving a healthy weight and top physical and mental performance are better ways of feeling and being, rather than shame and guilt.

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